Booking Rwanda Gorilla Permits for 2024 – How to Book your Rwanda gorilla trekking permit for 2024 – Acacia Safaris Limited

Are you planning to visit Rwanda for a gorilla trekking adventure? You will definitely need a gorilla trekking permit to be able to trek these beautiful primates in their natural habitat. Rwanda Gorilla trekking safaris are popular on most travelers bucket lists when visiting Rwanda and to no doubt, these tours are rewarding when it comes to sightseeing experience. Rwanda is one of the three gorilla trekking countries in Africa and many past travelers to Rwanda have termed the experience as “life-changing”. Here is all you need to know about Booking Rwanda Gorilla Permits for 2024 with Acacia Safaris Limited.

Gorilla trekking permits in Rwanda are a necessary requirement for anyone interested in trekking or visiting the mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park. Rwanda Gorilla permits are legal documents that are issued by the Rwanda Development Board, an organ responsible for the protection and conservation of mountain gorillas in Rwanda. The permit is issued at a fee and without booking it well in advance; one may not be able to do gorilla trekking in Rwanda.

Booking Rwanda Gorilla Permits for 2024 can be done by directly contacting the Rwanda Development Board or through a reputable tour operator like Acacia Safaris Limited. Gorilla permit booking for 2024 is ongoing and Acacia Safaris Limited guarantees availability of these permits. However, we recommend that you book your gorilla trekking permit well in advance since they can be difficult to get during the high seasons.

With a valid permit, you will be assigned to a specific gorilla group to track. Each group is accompanied by experienced guides who will lead you through the forest to observe the gorillas in their natural habitat. The trekking experience can vary in duration and difficulty, ranging from a couple of hours to a full day, depending on the location of the gorilla group.



All you need to know about gorilla trekking permits in Rwanda


The Rwanda Development Board issues Gorilla trekking permits in order to regulate the number of visitors that can visit gorillas in a single day and this ensures their conservation and protection. Mountain Gorillas are listed among the endangered species with only a few individuals left in the world, thus a need for conservation. The proceeds from these permits are used for conservation efforts and to support local communities living around the national park.

Rwanda strictly controls the number of permits available for gorilla trekking each day. Currently, there are around 10 habituated gorilla groups in Volcanoes National Park, and each group is visited by a maximum of 8 people per day. This means that there are generally up to 80 permits available per day. Booking a gorilla trekking permit can be difficult for most travelers, especially during the high season when there is high demand for these permits; however, Acacia Safaris Limited will help you with the booking process and all other forms of service booking you would need to have a successful gorilla trekking tour in Rwanda.

Participants must be at least 15 years old to obtain a gorilla trekking permit in Rwanda. This age limit is in place to protect the well-being of both the gorillas and visitors, as trekking can be physically demanding.


Rwanda Gorilla permit prices

The cost of a gorilla trekking permit in Rwanda is $1,500 per person per trek. The price is the same for foreign tourists. The high cost of these permits helps to fund conservation efforts and ensures a sustainable income for local communities.

Guidelines and rules for gorilla trekking in Rwanda

There are strict rules and regulations in place to ensure the safety of both visitors and the gorillas. These include maintaining a distance of at least 7 meters from the gorillas, minimizing noise, following the guide’s instructions, and staying in your group during the trekking experience.

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda offers a unique opportunity to witness these incredible creatures up close in their natural habitat. It is an unforgettable experience that contributes to conservation efforts and supports local communities.  Plan your Rwanda Gorilla trekking tour with Acacia Safaris Limited for ultimate gorilla trekking memories.

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